“Chi's Sweet Home”, is a manga by Japanese artist Konami Kanata that has captured the hearts of readers around the world. First published in 2004, the manga captures the daily life of a mischievous kitten named Chi with a sweetness and simplicity that resonates with...
At Maurice’s
Articles and press releases, events, fairs and innovations in relation with the brand and the animals
The chic dog poop bag dispenser you never knew you needed
When it comes to our furry friends, every pet parent knows that the joy they bring to our lives often comes with a few less glamorous responsibilities. One such duty is cleaning up after our beloved pups during walks. But thanks to innovative brands like MAURICE, even...
Celebrating local excellence: the essence of Made in France
In a world of mass production and globalized markets, there's something profoundly unique about goods bearing the label 'Made in France'. It's not just a tag; it's a symbol of quality, craftsmanship, and heritage that we are today proud to promote. From haute couture...
The French bulldog
A few words of praise for the French bulldog, our brand ambassador, by his master David. Once upon a time there was MAURICE, once upon a time there was a cute dog, a French bulldog and a unique brand ambassador... A DOG, BULLDOG AND BRAND AMBASSADOR MAURICE The mascot...
Making something new out of waste materials Coined in the 90s in Germany, the term upcycling means "recycling from above". Although it has actually existed for much longer, it was born out of a real awareness of the amount of waste we produce every day, which in the...
Made in France
MAURICE develops and manufactures all of its products for dogs and cats in France, more precisely in the department of Sarthe, not far from the legendary 24-hour circuit of Le Mans. A craftsmanship, Made in France, entrusted to unique leather craftsmen with...
Choosing vegetable-tanned leather
What is tanning? There is a wide range of advantages to vegetable tanning, but first of all... what is tanning? Tanning is the mandatory step that transforms hides into leather. Tannins are used to color the hides and help make them rot-proof and resistant. Vegetable...
The New Kid In Town
Founded at the end of 2020, Maurice is a young brand that manufactures and distributes small, high-end accessories for dogs and cats.
In spring 2022 Maurice unveiled its very first products, its choice of materials and its brand identity on social networks as a teaser before the official launch of its e-commerce site in July 2022.