All our bow ties for chic and urban dogs

I’m ready to walk, let’s go !
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For a very Frenchie and urban touch of elegance, Maurice bow tie is a safe choice. Made in France, the Loxodonta Africana and Danaus Plexippus bow ties reveal colors and patterns inspired by the beauty of nature, supreme craftsmanship and a canine style with a very contemporary charm.

Each bow tie is meticulously designed and handmade manufactured in small quantities locally. We choose high quality fabrics, according to our desires, which come from India and Japan. Our leathers are carefully selected and are all French or Western European.

All Loxodonta Africana and Danaus Plexippus bow ties match perfectly with our Canis Lupus and Gorilla Beringei Beringei dog collars.



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  • img 5336

    DANAUS PLEXIPPUS dog bow ties

  • noeud papillon loxodonta africana famille

    LOXODONTA AFRICANA dog bow ties


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