Symbol of power, strength and wisdom, the elephant is the largest land mammal with the giraffe. This big pachyderm is also known for its intelligence and memory. 'pachyderm' comes from the ancient Greek 'pakhus' as thick, and 'derma' as skin. Indeed the skin of the...
All the news about MAURICE.
Choosing the perfect leather collar for my small dog
Because a dog is a full member of the family, he deserves the best! The dog collar is an essential accessory for your dog safety. Whichever model you choose, you need to make sure that it is secure, comfortable, adequate, resistant and sustainable. At MAURICE we have...
Making something new out of waste materials Coined in the 90s in Germany, the term upcycling means "recycling from above". Although it has actually existed for much longer, it was born out of a real awareness of the amount of waste we produce every day, which in the...
Made in France
MAURICE develops and manufactures all of its products for dogs and cats in France, more precisely in the department of Sarthe, not far from the legendary 24-hour circuit of Le Mans. A craftsmanship, Made in France, entrusted to unique leather craftsmen with...
Dog and bow tie: a magical duo!
Bow tie for dogs, a very French touch of elegance The bow tie is the inseparable fashion accessory of the tuxedo that brings this little touch of unique elegance. It is the French couturier Pierre Lorillard who would have created the bow tie in 1886 when he was...
Choosing vegetable-tanned leather
What is tanning? There is a wide range of advantages to vegetable tanning, but first of all... what is tanning? Tanning is the mandatory step that transforms hides into leather. Tannins are used to color the hides and help make them rot-proof and resistant. Vegetable...
The end-of-summer blues
Animals have emotions, some of which may be comparable to humans. September brings a change of pace to which our four-legged friends are sensitive. As they have become accustomed to your presence during the holidays, it is often difficult for your pets to suddenly...
Animals love music!
Music has many beneficial effects on both the body and mind: it improves sleep, relaxation, and is a source of well-being and positive emotions. It can also help us overcome exertion or fatigue and plays a major role in creativity. Dogs and cats live in an olfactory...
DOG FRIENDLY holidays in France
Despite its status as man's best friend and a full-fledged family member, dogs are still not completely considered as such. Organizing vacations remains a real challenge for all dog owners, and a stressful moment for animals, many of which are abandoned on the eve of...
Caring for your dog during a heat wave
It's summertime, hot outside and only getting hotter! Did you know that heat stroke can happen very quickly to dogs? The consequences of a heat stroke can be extremely serious for our four-legged friends, sometimes leading to cardiac arrest. Each year, a high number...